25 Thoughts to “How to ride a bicycle with no hands

  1. Actually this helped me a bit…just a bit, but it helped. It’s just cause he has a nicer bike than you probably…he’s got a nicer bike than me -_-

  2. Lol! I can do this with my bike…I learned before watching this vid. You balance and keep pedalling if you stop pedalling u go outta balance and fall off onto your gravel driveway…(if you have one)

  3. Eh fucker! he lives in singapore and in singapore, 90% of people speaks like this because we speak Singlish! And don’t be a fucking racist count ok? What the fuck you mean when he you ask him to go back to indonesia or vietnam??? He is a singaporean, born in singapore! If you don’t like singlish, then shut the fuck up and fuck off from this video, you fucking cunt bitch ass mother fucker!! 

  4. Because he is from singapore and singapore speaks Singlish… and almost all singaporean speaks like this because as i said we speak Singlish!

  5. learn to speak english u fucking cocksucker who gives blowjobs to hobos for 5 cents. go back to indonesia or vietnam or wherever the hell you are from

  6. Eh who the fuck comment on this video first? me right! i should be the one telling u to fuck off ok.. what cocksucker? got see me suck before ah??? i know u see your father do before thats why come say me coz u experience liao! your mother father all mati already ah??

  7. Why in the motherfucking fucksicles is everyone trolling on this guy? What the fucking hell did he do to you, fucking troll dicks?

  8. he no americano……. you check de cars……. i dont know how to speak djewaekfadjwafhgwafjrwe..

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